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제목 ♣2018년도 입학을 축하합니다♣
날짜 18-05-16 14:12조회2227

♣2018년도 입학을 축하합니다♣
- 대학원 -

Johns Hopkins University
Georgetown University
Columbia University
Carnegie Mellon University
University of Virginia
Parsons School of Design

- 대학 (편입 포함) -

Cornell University
UC Berkeley (2)
USC (2)
Carnegie Mellon University (3)
Johns Hopkins University
Georgetown University
Boston College (3)
Georgia Tech
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor (2)
University of Wisconsin at Madison (3)
University of Virginia (4)
New York University (3)
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (4)
Indiana University at Bloomington (3)
Purdue University (3)
University of Connecticut
Syracuse University
University of Rochester Eastman School of Music (2)
Prat Institute

이전글 ♣2019년도 입학을 축하합니다♣ 
다음글 ♣ 2018년 8월 (전) 입학사정관 이원진원장 1:1 개인별 맞춤형 상담 실시 ♣ 
